Welcome Friends!!

I have always been a seeker. A seeker of truth, a seeker of God, a seeker of love, a seeker of magic, a seeker….asking the questions, wondering….telling stories and going deeper.

I am a story teller. I believe in the magic of stories! Your story matters!! Our stories weave us together and help us find our truth.

I am also gatherer and a seed planter. Nothing I love more than gathering people together to seek, ask questions, discover, and just be together and celebrate life.

I love BIG and I love MUCH. Sometimes too much. I feel it all and I give it all.

I am a recovering busyness addict. I am learning to be present and in the moment. I am learning to JUST BE.

I am also Mama to six, Grandmama to 11 (and counting). loving wife to my soulmate, a good friend and guide to many, and pied piper to many children and dogs. We are empty nesters. I just retired after 31 years as a minister to children and youth. 

I  love to pray. I love to create sacred spaces. I  love to dance. I  love to write and journal. I love to cook. I love music. I love dogs and kids.  I love the water.  I love coffee and wine.

I have worked with children and teens in ministry for 28 years. I am ready to begin a new adventure and a new life.

I love my home. My home is a sanctuary and our nest. It is messy and full of dog hair and I am working to declutter it all.

I am firm believer in being grateful and living my life in thanksgiving and joy.

Come gather with me on this journey called life as we seek and wonder together as we live from our hearts while nourishing our souls.

So this brings me to the “Just Be” name for my website and blog. I invite you on this journey of ‘Just Being’ present in life-to be still, drink in beauty, be barefoot in the grass, watch the birds, enjoy, celebrate, be present with those you love and share your imperfect, amazing, awesome self with others!!

What is it for you?

What fills you with passion, love and joy?

What no longer serves you? What do you need to let go of?

What are you becoming?

Let’s explore and discover together.

With love and blessings,
