Deep breaths….

Sometimes I just need to get out of Dodge City. Yup….Our Thanksgiving tradition is to go to visit our Michigan family. It is time to take deep breaths, hang out and just have fun!! We look so forward to the visit. Not until we are on the plane home do I realize how important those four days are for us!!  Our grandson’s are still young so there are Legos to build, books to read and swimming lessons to watch. And then there is the time to just hang out and visit-drink our coffee or Diet Cokes, catch up on life, make a meal together and just be- together. Life slows down for just a few days.  This is sacred time for all of us.

And for me, it is a time to be reminded how I want my life to be and feel.  The feeling of freedom and joy in just being present. Joy in community and being together.  The freedom not to have to balance seven balls in the air and then rush to the next thing. And then do it all over again the next day, and the next day. Creating sacred space in time.  This is the beginning for me of nourishing my soul….

Sacred space in time…. I think I am on to something life changing. Join me.


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