Total Eclipse of Heart, Light and Hope

Today is an amazing day -today is the day of a total Solar Eclipse. The next one will not be until 2024!! So many all over our country have made pilgrimages to places where the eclipse will be seen the best. Many more have made special plans around this day!! This is a day of anticipation and a day of celebration-it is also a day of hope!! With everything else that has been happening in our broken world, this eclipse is bringing change, and transformation into our lives. It is bringing people together to witness a once in a life time event, in our togetherness, in this cosmic event, is healing. It is bringing us together, setting aside our difference, turning our eyes toward the light.  It is my hope and prayer that divisions are broken, forgiveness happens, that hearts are changed and love pours out, that the light that comes out from the darkness is a healing light-a luminous, radiant light from the cosmos that transforms our lives in ways that we could never understand fully. An awakening to our hearts of  love, light and hope.

I am a novice when it comes to astrology. I know throughout my life that I have felt the energy changes during a full moon, new moon and other cosmic events. I am in awe of how these events can be transforming and how they effect us energetically. For me too, it is a spiritual wonder-I know that it is all connected-God, the Universe, my faith, the Earth, our humanity, and our lives.  We are all connect to each other as well. Wow!

I know that I am being changed during this time. I am becoming…. I am transforming. I put my faith in God, the Spirit and the Universe to help break me open to new ways of being that are more authentic. living my best life and being my best self.  It is also a time for me of living into that becoming and letting go of what no longer serves me and my life. It hasn’t been easy getting to this place, and it is still evolving daily!! By being my best authentic self, I then can send my heart, love, light and hope out into the world.

Today, I am being open to what will be new. Today, I am being open to the total eclipse of my heart. Today I am open to the radiant, luminious light that will be sending healing and new hope into this world we live in. Today I am open to the hope that pilgrimages, and cosmic events, and healing and hearts of love can change the world. Today I am open to the changes that this will have on me-my heart, my soul and my whole being is awakening to a new and amazing time of transformation.

Be gentle with yourself today. Eat good food, get enough to drink and good rest.  Be good to yourself and those around you today. Celebrate the light, the journey, the pilgrimage that many are taking today. Come join the widening circle of love, light and hope bearers that are breaking divisions, sending love, light and hope into the darkness and changing the world. Just Be today.

What can you release today that no longer serves you?

What divisions can you mend and who can you forgive or ask forgivenss to today?

Are you ready for a total eclipse of your heart -in order to let more love, light and hope in?

What will be awakened in you today?

Sending love, light and blessings to each of you today. IMG_2652






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