Why start a blog called “Just Be”?

‘Just Be’ has become my life mantra. ‘Just Be’ is a self love and soul wisdom lifestyle for me as I let go of so much that no longer serves my heart and soul, my family, and who I am created to be. Being truly present and mindful in my daily life, by living each moment from my heart with gratitude, grace and authenticity, while being open to the spirit,love, and joy all around me, has changed me.I can no longer be anyone but my authentic self with many gifts and imperfections!

I hope you will join me as I share with you: my story, my sage wisdom from 59 years of life lessons, my heart, and ways thatI have found that have helped me to live from my heart and nourish mysoul while just being me!! As we share our stories together, I hope to help you also to find your way to authenticity, transformation andjoy.

A little back story:

My family of orgin was filled with much messiness but also much joy which has helped make me be who I am today. From parents that divorced and left my brothers and me emotionally (and my father physically), to my grandmother who taught me about generosity, family, hospitality, my Italian heritage, and faith in God -all which help ground me today. For years, I was the one. I was the one that volunteered for everything from Nursing Mothers, Girl Scouts, church, classroom Mom, and Mama to all. I never said no when asked to do almost anything. I had a large family and worked either at home or part timeoutside the home then eventually full time in ministry. I took care of everyone and everyone counted on me. The busyness soon became an escape for me- another way, in addition to food, to not feel-to push all the feelings down deep. I only slept 4 hours a night so I could get everything done. I was the ultimate multi-tasker. And I was the one.

I gave, gave and gave. The more I gave the more I gave.The more I gave the more alone I felt. The more I gave the more I felt unworthy and not enough. I also never seemed to fit in or felt like I belonged- I always felt on the outside. I still did and gave more because maybe it would be enough and then I would feel worthy. This led me to be get involved in unhealthy, abusive relationships which were based on pleasing others, trying to prove my worth, and unrealistic expectations.

I have always loved big and loved much- it is who I am. But in all of that big love -self love was missing. Buried deep inside all those feelings was that negative voice, that constant reminder that I was not worthy or good enough.

As I got older, I realized that I also had spiritual gifts that are amazing. I am an empath and very intuitive. I am also a prayer intercessor. These gifts helped me get through some very hard times. These gifts also can be isolating and rest heavy on my heart. Prayer sustains me and gives me grounding.

Through therapy, a life coach and spiritual direction, I healed especially around my family of origin. I learned to set boundaries.I began to understand where that negative voice came from and I began to change that voice finally coming into my own. I filled six journals with my thoughts and my healing work. I decided it was time to make changes to save myself. I divorced after almost 30 years of marriage. I left a job that was overwhelming and took a job that I was passionate about and gave me health insurance. These were hard but big steps for me as I began a new life.

However, the do,do,do part of me had become part of all areas ofmy life both at work and home.I have been blessed to work with kids for 27 years in ministry-it is fun and an amazing vocation. I worked six to seven days a week. I was a single mother for several years. More and more doing. Then I remarried an amazing man who lovesme for who I am. Wow!!! Everything changed in my life with a partner who supported and loved me for my gifts and imperfections! Our home became a sanctuary for us. I no longer wanted to work 7 days a week. I wanted a life of love and joy with my husband and family. Busynessand the do’s were still weighing me down. The pattern of doing was getting harder and harder to keep up.

Then, I read several books on Sabbath, and not only did I begin a Sabbath practice, but also began a gratitude practice which changed my life. Taking two full days off a week when I unplug from my job was so freeing. I also found a Facebook group of women who accept me as I am, who vision together, sharing self-care, manifesting and support each other in our becoming (thank you Hannah Marcotti). Another place where I could be who I am and where I felt like I belonged.

And then my inner rebel found her voice (I call her Roxy),this is the part of me that is no long willing to be who others want me to be, the part of me that has to be fully herself and stands up for whoshe is-the part of me who loves her pink hair, the part that is not willing to abuse my body any more with dieting, lack of sleep or not enough sleep, and who may get her first tattoo at 59 years old. This is also the part of me who speaks her truth, sets boundaries andno longer will be a part of abusive, negative relationships. This is the part of me that realizes now that radical self care is what grounds me and helps me to be more present in the world and with those I love. I have found my voice.

So I began to meditate in addition to prayer most every day.I set daily intentions, write affirmations and journal daily. I am working on listening to my body in my eating, movement, rest and integrating radical self care in my everyday.

So this brings me to the “Just Be” name for my website and blog. I invite you on this journey of ‘Just Being’ present in life-to be still, drink in beauty, be barefoot in the grass, watch the birds, enjoy, celebrate, be present with those you love and share your imperfect, amazing, awesome self with others!!

What is it for you?

What fills you with passion, love and joy?

What no longer serves you?

What do you need to let go of?

What are you becoming?

Let’s explore and discover together.

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